Sunday, February 5, 2012


Here are some fun facts by way of our DG/FASTCHANNEL friends:

Of the top 10 most watched television programs of all time,
9 of them are Super Bowls
The Super Bowl has seen its international audience grow
 by 7% since 2003. Clearly, as the international audience
for the Super Bowl expands, so does the game itself
With an average global audience of over 100 million,
the Super Bowl is second only to the European UEFA
Champions League final
(that's soccer for all you American football fans.)
The Super Bowl has been televised in as many as 230
countries, and translated into as many as 33 different
The first two Super Bowl games were called "The AFL-
NFL Championship Game". The third Super Bowl was
called Super Bowl III, and the name stuck
In the early days, Super Bowls generally featured college
and high school marching bands for the halftime show.
(This year, Madonna will perform a 5 song set-list, with a
little help from Nicki Minaj and LMFAO)
According to the USDA, Super Bowl Sunday is the "second
highest day of food consumption in the United States, after
8 million pounds of guacamole and 14,500 tons of chips are
eaten on Super Bowl Sunday
Over 700,000 footballs are produced annually for official NFL
use, and 72 of them are used in the Super Bowl
Sales for next year's Super Bowl (CBS) have already begun

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